To order: Use the pull-down menu to show you the name of the cooler. When you select the names, the picture changes to that particular fabric. Then click to add it to your cart! It's available to purchase if you can add it to your cart. It’s not available currently if it says SOLD OUT. See below for CUSTOM neck coolers.
This ingenious little cooler will keep you comfortable for hours! The principle is simple. No need to put them in the fridge or freezer. They stay cool by the process of evaporation. While you're wearing one, keep turning it so that the coolest part is next to your neck.
Just what you need to eliminate warmth - whether it's outside, or your own internal heater! Nontoxic, great way to stay cool for hours.
Pet the purple bunny to advance to the last of three clues. You’ll see instructions at the TOP of the next page.
Images shown are UNHYDRATED ties. Length is the width of a yard of fabric, 44-45"
I recommend washing when you wash your hands, warm soapy water.
DO NOT put them in a washer. I don't want the agitator ripping up the fabric, and sending the absorbent granules to sit in or block your drain!
When you choose your own CUSTOM neck cooler, give me guidance. Choose from just about any fabric on the site, rather than fabrics in pictures that may already be sold out. If the fabric still appears on my site, I can probably make several.
COUPON AVAILABLE: Use code COOLTIE when you are purchasing more than two for $1 off each cool tie/neck cooler. Neck coolers are just $6.00 each when you purchase three or more, or $7.00 each when you purchase one or two.
Custom handcrafted items take up to three weeks to create. Order items in stock for fast shipping.